Emma House

MARAM Collaborative Practice

MARAM Collaborative Practice

The MARAM Collaborative Practice online training module will build practitioner capabilities to engage in collaborative practice and foundational elements of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM), to promote collaborative practice for practitioners within Warrnambool & surrounding areas.

The training enables practitioners to contribute to risk assessment and collaborate for ongoing risk management, through respectful and sensitive engagement with victim’s survivors, information sharing, referral and secondary consultation. The training is open to practitioners who respond to family violence in the Warrnambool & surrounding regions. The delivery of the MARAM Collaborative Practice module is most suited to practitioners from Tiers 2, 3 and 4, as outlined in the Victorian Government Responding to Family Violence Capability Framework (2017). Organisations should be guided by Family Safety Victoria resources in determining the relevant roles, responsibilities and training requirements for staff.

The MARAM Collaborative Practice is part of the suite of training under the MARAM Framework for practitioners responding to family violence. This is NOT risk assessment training. You will also need to attend other MARAM training relevant to your role.

MARAM training will be delivered by government departments (Brief & Intermediate and Screening & Identification) and by Domestic Violence Victoria and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (Comprehensive and Leading Alignment).

The MARAM Collaborative Practice Training Module is funded by Family Safety Victoria and developed by the Northern Metropolitan Region Family Violence Regional Integration Committee team at Women’s Health in the North.

The training is delivered in the Warrnambool region by The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre and Emma House in collaboration with Meli and Victoria Police.

Upcoming sessions

  • Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March, 9.30-12.30pm – REGISTER HERE